Hep B Free Trivia Night


This was the first fundraising run by Hepatitis B Free, in collaboration with Kokoda Track Foundation. It was a Trivia Night held at Marrickville Town Hall in June/July/can't remember but it was raining. Funds were raised by selling tickets for admission, raffle tickets on the table, food and drinks at the back (that suspicious gathering in the top left corner) and also hand-held solar lights. Which I will talk about again at a later time...

The event ran smoothly thanks to the help of volunteers (questions, sound, games...everything was run pro bono), and a whopping $8000 was raised in total! Mum also gave a 5 minute talk explaining the purpose/mission/project behind the fundraising, the story of how she became involved with PNG through her patient who is from that village, and how Hepatitis B can claim lives in late stage and yet is easily preventable in the world we have been born into.

Images: friends, family and community getting involved (the champagne bottle was part of a game where people had to slide gold coins across the floor - the person whose coin came closest to the bottle won. A great idea to raise funds by stimulating addictive/competitive behaviour, "just one more coin...")

I'm in that just-started-a-new-blog mood where I'm obsessively trying to catch up on various information and events from the past 6 months, and make use of a stack of photos hanging around doing nothing...
It was a great event to raise awareness and funds. But on top of that, it was an opportunity for people to lend a hand just for the sake of helping others, whether it meant setting up all the tables, planning and organising the activities, selling food, or as simple as staying behind later to help wipe down tables and floors. You will always be surprised at how willing people are to jump in and get involved, given the chance.


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