Snapshot of Hepatitis B Free / Watch this space!


Quick hello before I rush off, HELLO! 

Take this post as a teaser trailer of what is to come, a whirlwind underground medical project taking shape by a small group of passionate, like-minded health professionals by the name of Hepatitis B Free, soon to be registered as a fully operational, non-profit charity! 

My hope is for this blog to be a way I can jot down some thoughts as I try to keep up with the things happening around me, and who knows - to catch snapshots of exciting projects other people are up to in the community. I'm a self-confessed, completely nub-faced, fresh-out-of-the-high-school-fishbowl 18 year old trying to get involved in some volunteering and community-oriented projects. Virtually unskilled, bar a little bit of experience dappling in some basic magazine publications at school, I have little role to play, and not exactly sure where this is all going... this is a scrapbook to capture the experiences I'm having, and some of those around me. Bear with me while I fish around in the dark, this is a learning journey for us all.


P.S. I'll be mainly uploading a mish-mash of resources and materials that I've made, whether it be photos, videos, education documents etc etc etc. I'll clearly identify any images and whatnot if its not my own work. 

The above brochure is a simple pamphlet I designed recently for Hepatitis B Free, using Adobe Indesign.

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