Out of hibernation


Let's get this bit out of the way: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

July has arrived, bringing Sydney into a belated season of chilly weather, as if it has finally decided to accept that yes, winter is here. July means holidays for students, for me a time for winding down, recharging and reflecting.

Here comes the cliche blog-paragraph starter: it's been a long time since I've last posted. But with some time up my sleeve, ideas for the future and a bit of website renovation, I feel like it's time to wake up the sleepy old blog and get writing.

A conversation with a friend wanting to start up a blog got me thinking back to the time that I decided to set up this one. I envisioned a platform to share stories of my personal journey, but also those of other people doing awesome things with purpose in this community. Mostly young people, but also those of older people encountered along the way. Snapshots of different people's lives and how they are giving back. A moment to ponder, to be challenged and inspired. Hopefully, to allow the reader to come away feeling empowered, curious or intrigued; to think to themselves, "Hey, maybe I can do something too."

Three years on (golly gosh) I'd like to rekindle that initial spark of inspiration, and get this blog rolling again with interviews and ramblings of my ideas and experiences. One of the next challenges will be to take a leap and open up more. There's a bit of a paradox with blogging in that I'm here writing to a computer screen, tapping away as if these words are a personal journal that no one else will ever see. And yet, the very nature of this kind of blog is that it's public, out there for anyone to read.

Let the next chapter begin.


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