3 for Life - Settled in the nest


Thursday September 12, 2014

Palo Alto, California

On the road, San Francisco

They say you should never start by describing the weather, but I’m going to start this post by describing the weather. 

We’re having the “worst storms since 1988”, schools have allegedly been closed due to flash flooding and cars are clogging up the big highways like blocked plumbing. It’s kind of exciting (floods! Storms! much needed rain in a drought-stricken area! Drama! Exclamation mark!) but mainly because I know it won’t last for very long. Soon things will go back to normal.
I’ve passed the half-way point in this internship. This week has been 1000x better than the last. In retrospect, it feels like week 1 was orientation, week 2 was idle-thanksgiving-everyone’s-gone-home time, and week 3 things are getting more exciting!

Quick overview of what I’ve been doing since my last post:
  • Small restaurant outreach in Cupertino (yesterday): our pilot trip (Angelica & I) went swimmingly well! To be honest, I had low expectations, I doubted that the restaurants would be receptive to our educational materials or even care at all. I feared and felt guilty about wasting their time. To our surprise, many of the restaurants received our materials, were happy to display the hepatitis B posters on walls/counters/doors, took interest in language brochures relevant to their business (eg. Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean) and were overall friendly!!
  • Online store for #joinjade: have been trying to develop ideas for starting an online store marketing Jade-coloured products, to raise awareness and donations. Pieces not quite settling in yet, more research to do for that.
  • Youth Leadership Conference: putting together findings from 2012-2014 review, researching possible 2015 speakers and developing ideas for 2015 theme. Also not quite there yet, can be challenging as I don’t really have a partner to bounce ideas with.
  • Xmas decorating!! Very excite, much festivity J Idea conceptualisation with Jasmine (translation: let’s make a Jade coloured tree!! Let’s get a fresh tree!! Yeah!!), gathering resources/materials with Ken (translation: 2 clueless people wandering through the hideous labyrinth of Walmart searching for obscure coloured decorations that don’t exist), finally implementation with Santana (translation: spraying a bag of clear turquoise baubles with silver glitter, hanging lights, making jade ribbon decorations, hanging it all up). And voila! We had a Jade coloured tree J

We (Santana, pictured, and I) made a dead tree look happy and jaded! 

We did good.

There’s a lot of stuff I could go on about Cupertino yesterday. But let’s just say that when it comes to non-profit/community outreach – it comes down to people. You can prepare all you want, write out scripts, but in the end reality is messy and slightly unpredictable. You need to be flexible, adapt to different people and environments, and this is definitely something I’m still getting the hang of. Little people skills like speaking slowly, smiling, introducing yourself, listening, all these things matter. No one is perfect. But we can try our best to be genuine.

Scenes around Stanford University.

Being able to take part in this internship has been an incredible opportunity. On one level, it’s given me a huge insight into how ALC operates, the kind of scale and logistics involved, what public health looks like in an institution, picking up skills etc. But moreover, it’s granted me time – time to spend getting to know the other interns, meeting people around the area (including family!) and understanding life in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley/AMERICA. Sure, I’m not going out ticking off all the touristy attractions. But I’m getting a real experience by engaging with everyday people and their lives here, which means so much more to me.


Golden Gate Bridge, in all its Golden Hour Glory. Seen from Fort Point, San Francisco.

Fort Point, San Francisco

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